Friday, August 29, 2014

Back to School...

I absolutely cannont believe that it is time for my sweet girl to start her LAST year of pre-school.  I really hope this year goes by more slowly than the previous school year did.  I am SO NOT ready to have a school-aged child! 

We went the day before school started so that Addi could meet her teacher and some of her classmates.  It was nice to find out that she had Mrs. Anne whom she had had some last year too.  We love Mrs. Anne and were excited to have her as a full-time teacher this year.  Her teachers at Little Elks have simply been wonderful! 

I took off work Thursday morning and took her to school so that she could get re-acquainted with Mrs. Anne and her classroom and classmates.  We stayed for about 30 minutes and she colored a little bit and then took me out to the playground to get a few minutes of playtime in.  I could tell she was definitely ready to get back to school.

She was so excited about the next day which was the first full official day of school.  We read the story that was sent home by her teachers, sprinkled the "fairy dust" confetti under our pillow, and went to bed.

It was no problem getting her up the next morning as she was ready to go!  I had taken off work again to take her to school and was then planning to leave work to pick her up and then take her to lunch.  I was excited too!

It was so hard to walk away even though she was not even phased.  I kissed her and turned away, happy that she didn't see the huge tears welling up in my eyes.  I love my little girl and am grateful that she loves going to school.

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