Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Potty Training Update...

Well this has gone WAY better than I ever imagined!  We have come a long way from my first post a few weeks ago where she seemed terrified as I sat her on the potty screaming! 

I can say with confidence that my baby girl is COMPLETELY potty trained!  And honestly, through this whole process, she has only had ONE accident and that was simply because she was playing so hard with her cousins that I think she forgot that she wasn't wearing a diaper.  She still wears diapers at night (she refuses to wear pull-ups) but there are a lot of mornings where she wakes up dry and as soon as she wakes up, she wants that diaper OFF. 

In the first few weeks, she was adament about asking for a diaper to go #2 but even that has stopped now and the ONLY time that she wears a diaper is at bedtime. 

She doesn't really need any assistance with getting her pants/panties up and down but she normally asks for someone to go with her when she needs to go which I prefer anyway.  And she is using the big potty instead of the little one too.  She just hops right up there easily--another advantage to being so tall!  She will say, "I don't cry, do I momma?  It's easy-peasy!"

While I am so ecstatic that she has overcome the potty-training challenge, it's yet another reminder that I no longer have a baby.  Sometimes I just want to pick her up and cradle her and rock her, and those long legs just get in the way!  I'm proud of this little accomplishment and the sweet little mannered toddler that she has turned into--overnight it seems!

I love you big girl!

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