Tuesday, April 1, 2014


It was a Thursday night and we were very excited to head over to Rosenwald Elementary to watch the 5th graders perform a play of "Annie" which was student-directed by Austin.  Addison loves the movie Annie and so she was very excited--we even took Katie Belle with us to watch.

As we were walking up the stairs of the bleachers to take our seats, it happened.  Somehow Addi missed a step and went head first into the corner of one of the steps.  It was bad.  Blood everywhere.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am not the best person to have around in an emergency and for me to see my baby with blood streaming down her face was not good.

We get her cleaned up and she is insistent that we stay to watch the play even though we knew that we really needed to get her to the ER for stitches.  After talking to several people there at the school, we agree that the stitches can wait an hour so that we can watch the play that the kids and Austin have worked so hard on. 

Just a few minutes into the show though, Addi starts crying again and is begging us to go home.  The real problem was anxiety over knowing that once we left the play that we would be going for stitches.  After shushing her several times, we decided that we just needed to go.  We loaded up, dropped Katie Belle off, and I called UTC to see if they did stitches.  We decided that we didn't want to deal with the all-night-adventure or the expense of the ER if we could prevent it.  The UTC told us to come on and so we did.

I'm so glad that we chose UTC, because they were WONDERFUL.  Addi got 4 stitches and did great once the shots in the head were over.  She laid there very still while getting her UK BLUE stitches and was so proud!

She was so worn out and the shots made her so tired that she actually fell asleep while getting the stitches--sweet baby!

The doctor told us to come back in 5 days to get the stitches out so she went back on April Fool's Day to get them removed and she did great!  Such a brave girl!

She should be good as new!  It is healing great and we will continue to keep Vitamin E on it in hopes that the scar will completely disappear!

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