Sunday, September 30, 2012


Austin made Homecoming court as a Junior this year!  It is voted on by his classmates and even though Juniors can't win homecoming King or Queen, it was a very nice honor to be elected to the court. 

The night of Homecoming was unfortunately very rainy and muddy and nasty!  And very cold too!  The Homecoming ceremony was at half-time so Craig got there for the 1st half and braved the weather and called us when the 2nd quarter was nearing the end so that Addi and I could get there by half-time.

I tried to take pictures but because of the darkness and the rain, they didn't turn out.  I do have some that we took before the game at home.  He looked very handsome!  Hard to believe he is a junior already!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Great Weekend...

After having wonderful weather and lots of fun at the Midway Festival on Saturday, we came home and Addi helped Daddy plant our new mums in our planters.  On Sunday, we had a great service at church and Addi happily went to class with NO fussing, our neighbor Abby came over to play with Addi, and then later Grandma and Grandpa along with the Mastin's came over for grilled hamburgers.  Daddy also got our fire pit built on Sunday and we used it that night and roasted marshmallows!  What a great day!

Silly girls wearing toboggans while eating!

Roughnecks after bath!

Silly girl!

Midway Fall Festival...

Lyndi and I took the kids to the Midway Fall Festival yesterday and it was WONDERFUL.  First of all, the weather was amazing and the kids did great despite the crowds of people! 

They got to take a little train ride, feed goats and ponies, ride ponies, and we picked out beautiful mums and pumpkins!  Of course they ate lots of junk too--snow cones, funnel cakes, etc...

It was a great day and a wonderful fall festival!


Exhausted kiddos!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Jessamine Jamboree...

We took the kids to the Jessamine Jamboree Parade Saturday morning.  Unfortunately it was raining but we didn't let that stop us!! 

The night before we had gone to some of the booths and the kids got their faces painted and jumped in a lot of the inflatables as well as made sand necklaces!

The Jamboree used to be a lot of fun but they just didn't have a whole lot to brag about this year!  :(

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

We didn't have great weather but that didn't stop us--we were determined to enjoy the last big holiday weekend of the year at Nolin Lake.

Actually, Saturday was a very nice day but Sunday and Monday was rainy and dreary--but warm! 

Not our brightest moment ever!! SOAKING WET!